Support Staff



                                                    Special Education Support Staff

It is the responsibility of the Roswell Independent School District to locate, identify and refer exceptional children between the ages of 3 and 21 who live in the school district, in order to evaluate and serve, when appropriate. Every disabled child within the Roswell Independent School District has a right to a free appropriate public education. RISD offers a continuum of programs and services designed to meet the needs of eligible students.

Cathy Baker, Secretary SPED

AESC, Room 207

Vanessa Talamantes, Bookkeeper SPED
AESC, Room 207
[email protected]

Families who have moved to Roswell since the closing of school in May, who have students who may be in need of Special Education services, must check in with the Special Education Office located at 300 N. Kentucky Avenue Room 206 before trying to enroll at the neighborhood school. Busing will be arranged at the time of enrollment for qualified students.

Any student enrolled in private school or Sidney Gutierrez School requiring Special Education Services must contact the Special Education Office - Program Specialists.

Michelle Morales, IS Specialist SPED
AESC, Room 206
[email protected]

Christy Snipes, Clerical Referral Specialist
AESC, Room 206
[email protected]

Denise Samuels, Clerical Referral Specialist
AESC, Room 206
[email protected]

Amber Vegara, Clerical Referral Specialist
AESC, Room 206
Danna Sanchez, Clerical Referral Specialist

AESC, Room 206
[email protected]

Confidential records, which are essential to the service of the exceptional student, will be maintained in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 2008. Our staff is available to assist you with any questions you have regarding identification, evaluation, placement, or provision of free appropriate public education. 

Mirna Lopez-Carmona, Clerical SPED Records

AESC, Record Room 104
[email protected]
575-627-2544 Fax

Kandace Gottlieb, Clerical Medicaid Specialist
AESC, Room 101
[email protected]

Ashley Meredith,  Clerical SPED Medicaid Specialist
AESC, Room 101
[email protected]

If you have concerns about the development of your toddler, RISD schedules Early Childhood “Child Find” Screenings weekly at Parkview located at 1700 W. Alameda Street. Please call 575-637-3529 or 637-3525 (During Summer months 627-2547) to schedule an appointment.

Iris Aguilar, Child Find
Parkview Early Literacy
[email protected]