1. Children under the age of 18 are not permitted in the Teacher Center.
2. The Teacher Center is for the use of RISD instruction, activities, and administration only. It is not open to the public, outside organizations or other districts. In addition, it cannot be utilized for personal use.
3. All materials and supplies in the Teacher Center must be used in the Teacher Center. Unused supplies or materials my not be taken out to use at a later time.
4. Materials and supplies are free only for student instruction in a RISD classroom. All materials and supplies used for activities or administration must be paid for.
5. All color copies, prints, and poster prints must be paid for. Keep track of what you print and inform Teacher Center staff before you leave.
6. You must have a four digit copy code to use the copy machines. You can obtain this number from your school principal.
7. Copyright laws must be followed.
8. All equipment will be turned off 15 minutes before closing.