
district calendar thumbnail

The District Calendar

This shows all the school holidays for the students, and also syncs to our app .
calendar 2024-2025

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Employee Workday Calendars

All current employees are assigned one of these calendars, showing which days they get off work.  Also available in a calendar view that syncs to our app.

Assessment Calendars

The Testing calendars are hosted on the Assessment site.
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AESC Meeting Facilities

CLC and AESC Meeting calendars are together on CalWiz.
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Teacher Center

Kelly Tackett manages teacher resources at AESC (temporarily relocated at Missouri Ave Elementary until HVAC construction is complete at AESC) and publishes her availability.

Sports Calendars

All the Middle and High School sports calendars.

School Calendars

With the new 2019 website design, Calendars should be used more than in the past. Please visit the school site via the link in the upper left, "Select a School", and check out their site calendar.