Special Service Programs


The district provides special services to approximately 2,351 exceptional students through a continuum of placement/service options.  Three hundred and eighty-two (196) of these students attend pre-school Developmentally Delayed programs.  Itinerant teachers serve students that require very few changes in regular classroom instruction.  Special services teachers and related services personnel with the general education classroom teachers provide integrated services in addition to pullout.  Self-contained staff provides self-contained or integrated classroom services for students with moderate and severe needs.

The Community Connections with Adult Providers (CCAP) provides functional and independent living experiences training and work-study experience for students who may require extensive modification of instructional content. Upon picking up basic work skills students are placed at various work-sites in the community.

The Gifted Program provides supplemental and accelerated instructional programming for approximately 600 students, grades K-12, whose abilities in one or more instructional areas go beyond that which can be met successfully within the student's grade level curriculum.

The Early Childhood Developmentally Delayed Program offers services to three and four year old children who are experiencing developmental delays in one or more areas of language, social, motor, or cognitive ability.  Instruction is provided within a multidisciplinary model where instructors and therapists integrate instruction to serve the "whole" child.  The Head Start Program and RISD join cooperatively in screening, referral and IEP process.

The district also identifies and services special needs students attending private school and Charter Schools.

The Self-Contained program for students with emotional disorders offer structured educational and psychological/social interventions to students grades K-12 who are experiencing moderate to severe behavior problems at school.  The Self-Contained Programs provide itinerant services, moderate services with inclusion, and self-contained services. No student is placed by parent or teacher request but through a series of evaluations and recommendations by the school psychologist, and placement through IEP Team.

Special needs students may require related services to support and integrate their special education program.  Related services available for students qualifying for services and recommended by the IEP team are:

image  Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech Language Therapy
Social Work
Specialized Transportation
School Health
Sign Language Immersion & Interpreting
Braille/Vision Services
Orientation & Mobility

The Special Services Department provides assistance, support, and an array of services to children with disabilities.  Parents play an integral part in the educational process.  Parent training and counseling are provided to parents through the IEP process; however, these and additional services and support are at no cost to the parent.

If you would like additional information regarding the RISD Special Services Department, please allow us to make an appointment with you, either by telephone conference, e-mail, and/or in an office conference setting.

Please refer to these related Web Sites or links for additional special education information: ped.state.nm.us

To see the Federal Law on Special Education
To see the State Laws on Special Education
To see the State Regulations on Special Education

Laws, Rules & Guidance