NMPED is super excited to begin our ACCELerate NM Communities of Practice! This email is lengthy, but packed full of IMPORTANT information...PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! 😊
We have had a positive response to the differentiated professional development that our Communities of Practice (CoP) will offer teachers/instructional specialists. We have over 650 teachers/instructional specialists that have submitted a Request to Participate!
IMPORTANT -- Therefore, NMPED will only be able to compensate teachers/instructional specialists for her/his participation in one (1) CoP. Nevertheless, we do not want to hinder participation. Therefore, if teachers/instructional specialist want to participate in more than one (1) CoP, she/he may do so with the understanding that she/he will only be compensated for one (1) of the CoPs she/he is participating. If you decide to participate in more than one (1) CoP, you will only have to complete the requirements for one (1) of your CoPs. The teacher/instructional specialist will need to identify and communicate with Michelle Korbakes at [email protected] which CoP they will be completing all requirements for in order to receive their $1,000 stipend.
STIPEND INFORMATION -- Teachers/instructional specialists that participate in CoPs that are a full academic year (August-May), will receive their stipend in two (2) installments. The first installment of $400 will be issued in December 2022 and the second installment of $600 will be issued in June 2023. Teachers/instructional specialists participating in only CoPs occurring in the fall semester will receive their full stipend in December 2022. Teachers/instructional specialists participating in only CoPs occurring in the spring semester will receive their full stipend in June 2023.
K-12 WRITING DATES REVISED -- K-12 Writing: Grade Level Content and K-12 Writing: Strong Instruction dates have been revised to begin on August 16th (Grade Level Content) and August 23rd (Strong Instruction). Please click here to view the Acceleration Communities of Practice schedules with dates and times.
CANVAS INFORMATION -- When you click on the registration link(s) below you will be directed to CoP Canvas Course page that is located in the Canvas Catalog. You will select the blue button "Enroll Now". Once you have enrolled in the CoP Canvas Course, the CoP will appear in your Canvas account, click this link to go to the sign-in page -- https://nmped.instructure.com/. The CoP Canvas Course should now appear in your Dashboard. Please note, these CoP Canvas Courses are not viewable to the public and therefore will not be searchable in the Canvas Catalog. You must access the registration links through the hyperlinks below.
All CoPs will be hosted through Canvas. CoPs will have limited seats (see below), so do not delay in enrolling!
K-5 ELA - Cohort #1 (Limited to 150 Participants)
K-5 Math - Cohort #1 (Limited to 75 Participants)
6-8 Math (Limited to 75 Participants)
6-12 ELA - Cohort #1 (Limited to 150 Participants)
Algebra (Limited to 75 Participants)
K-12 Science (Limited to 150 Participants)
K-12 Writing - Grade Level Content (Limited to 150 Participants)
Grade Level Content (Grade Appropriate Assignments): This cohort is designed for participants who do not have a High-Quality Writing Curriculum that they are currently using on their campuses. This cohort will dive deep into the what and how of GAA in writing. We will spend time digging into our New Mexico writing standards, by leveraging the NMIS and have active practice opportunities to craft writing prompts in all content areas. Additionally, this cohort includes coaching hours which allow participants to workshop their own authentic work with TNTP facilitators and New Mexico Colleagues.
K-12 Writing - Strong Instruction (Limited to 150 Participants)
Strong Instruction: This cohort is designed for participants who do have a High-Quality Writing Curriculum that they are currently using on their campuses. This cohort will dive deep into the delivery of strong writing instruction. We will spend time digging into HQIM internalization and implementation best practices, as well strategies and protocols for student work analysis. Additionally, this cohort includes coaching hours which allow participants to workshop their own authentic work with TNTP facilitators and New Mexico Colleagues.
Again, we are SUPER excited to begin our ACCELerate NM Communities of Practice. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you should have questions.
Michelle Korbakes, M.S. ED | Accelerated Learning & Professional Development Project Manager
New Mexico Public Education Department
300 Don Gaspar Ave. | Santa Fe, NM 87505
C: 575.491.5773 | Help Desk: 505.827.5800
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