Nasa Connects!


$5,000 Opportunity, Mars/Earth Webinar, and Host Space Apps Challenge 


Happy World Water Day and Earth Hour, Alliance

Today, March 22, you can share on social media about NASA’s latest mission to study Earth’s water, or do a simple hands-on water filtration activity with students. Whether you turn off your lights for Earth Hour on March 25, or simply share one of the many ways NASA is working to lower emissions, we hope you use NASA content whenever engaging audiences about Earth Science and climate change. Also, make sure to tell your audiences that NASA is announcing the first Artemis crew on April 3rd; be your community’s source of news for humanity’s return to the Moon! Other resources:


Funding Opportunity - NOAA Planet Stewards

Up to $5,000 is available to educators to carry out stewardship projects with students and the general public during the 2023/2024 academic year.Projects should focus on the conservation, restoration, and/or protection of human communities and/or natural resources.Applications are due by June 4, 2023.



Take Risk, Don't Fail: The Power of Exploration from Space

Courtesy of the Solar System Ambassadors, join JPL Fellow, Brian Muirhead to discuss the beginnings of the Space Age, the current exploration of Mars, and an intro to Mars Sample Return. Also hear about Earth science and applications from space, and how they are helping us understand, mitigate and adapt to global warming.

Date: Tue, Mar 28, 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern



NASA International Space Apps Challenge

Become a Local Lead who works alongside NASA and the Space Apps Global Organizing Team to organize the Space Apps Challenge for your community.Host a local event supporting local participants, and join a global community from 160+ countries/territories.Learn more and apply!Deadline June 15.